Celebrating the Spirit of the Miniature Schnauzer
Welcome to the Mount Vernon Miniature Schnauzer Club’s website. We serve as a resource for all things Miniature Schnauzer in the mid-Atlantic region. Our members are primarily residents of Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC, though we also have members from the surrounding states.
We strongly believe in supporting sportsmanlike and friendly competition at dog shows, offering support for several shows through our trophy fund donations and show entries. Our specialty show is held each October as part of the Catonsville Kennel Club’s show at the Howard County Fairgrounds in MD. The club also supports entries at the Columbia Terrier Association of Maryland’s All-Terrier Dog Show in April in Timonium MD.
MVMSC has been serving the Miniature Schnauzer community since 1955. Our members are a valuable source of information, and our breeder members take great pride in the dogs that they produce. “Celebrating the Spirit of the Miniature Schnauzer” is more than just our club motto – our members truly love this spirited little breed. If you would like to join us in the celebration, please contact us about becoming a member of MVMSC!
Thank you for visiting and we look forward to meeting you!
Shawne Imler

The Mount Vernon Miniature Schnauzer Club has been serving the Miniature Schnauzer community since 1955. We have held more than 50 specialty shows and numerous rallies since the club’s humble beginnings.
With the cooperation and experience of our dedicated members, MVMSC continues to promote the following objectives:
To encourage and promote quality breeding of Miniature Schnauzers of correct type in conformity with the standard of the breed as set forth by the American Miniature Schnauzer Club and approved by the American Kennel Club;
To support the standard of the breed as the only standard of perfection by which Miniature Schnauzers shall be judged;
To do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the breed in the areas of breeding, exhibiting, grooming, and health care;
To encourage sportsmanlike conduct at all times;
To conduct sanctioned matches and licensed specialty shows under the rules of the American Kennel Club;
To allow members to adopt and from time to time revise the by-laws in order to carry out these objectives;
To provide to the community educational events to encourage responsible ownership of the breed; and
To support local rescue organizations in their efforts to place unwanted Miniature Schnauzers.
2022 – 2024 Leadership Team
President: Shawne Imler
Vice President: Tatiana Myers
Secretary: Kelly Radcliffe
Treasurer: Barbara Donahue
Board of Directors:
Leslie Cromer
Cindy Sanders
Paula Tibbs
AMSC Delegate: Leslie Cromer
MVMSC Constitution and By-Laws